6th Grade Promotion Party


6th Grade is moving on up! We will celebrate this occasion with a party! 6th Grade Promotion Party will be held on June 10th. We are asking each family to contribute $40 per student, which will go toward a t-shirt, games, food, a DJ, photobooth, and possibly a goody bag. Any left over funds will be gifted to the school for the 6th grade gift.
We are also selling yard signs! Yard signs must be pre ordered before March 30th.
If you have any questions, please contact kg6thgraders@gmail.com
  • *Number of Students

    *Name, Teacher, T-Shirt Size

    Please enter each student's First and Last name, along with their Morning Teacher and T-Shirt size. Sizes are "Youth smal/medium/large" and "Adult small/medium/large"

    Optional Donation

    Yard Signs @ $15

    Yard signs include the stake. The image is from last year - this year's sign will be the same with an updated date.



6th Grade is moving on up! We will celebrate this occasion with a party! 6th Grade Promotion Party will be held on June 10th. We are asking each family to contribute $40 per student, which will go toward a t-shirt, games, food, a DJ, photobooth, and possibly a goody bag. Any left over funds will be gifted to the school for the 6th grade gift.
We are also selling yard signs! Yard signs must be pre ordered before March 30th.
If you have any questions, please contact kg6thgraders@gmail.com