Chess Club After School Program


Want to have fun and learn new strategic skills? Then Chess Club is for you!

Any Kent Gardens student in 2nd through 6th grade may join the Chess Club. All are welcome: Girls! Boys! New and experienced players!

Chess club teaches responsibility, discipline, critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Chess players learn how to make the most of their opportunities, and how to turn a bad situation to their advantage. They learn not to make excuses for their set-backs, and to win and lose graciously. We value good sportsmanship.

Our goal is for chess to be a fun past-time and for the members of our club to develop the confidence to be able to play with anyone anywhere, as chess is an international activity with clubs in every country in the world.

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  • *Student Name

    *Grade (2-6)

    *Student's PM Teacher's name

    *Food Allergies

    *Parent Name

    *Parent Email

    *Parent Phone

    *Are you interested in becoming a Parent Volunteer?


Want to have fun and learn new strategic skills? Then Chess Club is for you!

Any Kent Gardens student in 2nd through 6th grade may join the Chess Club. All are welcome: Girls! Boys! New and experienced players!

Chess club teaches responsibility, discipline, critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Chess players learn how to make the most of their opportunities, and how to turn a bad situation to their advantage. They learn not to make excuses for their set-backs, and to win and lose graciously. We value good sportsmanship.

Our goal is for chess to be a fun past-time and for the members of our club to develop the confidence to be able to play with anyone anywhere, as chess is an international activity with clubs in every country in the world.

Students will be given the opportunity to compete in tournaments and matches outside of school. Such participation is entirely voluntary and may involve an extra fee, depending on the competition.


Chess Club will meet on Wednesdays from 3:45pm to 5:15pm in the cafeteria at Kent Gardens Elementary.

The Spring session will start on Wednesday, February 5th and end May 28th with an ice cream party! Registration deadline is Friday, January 31st, or until we hit max capacity, whichever come first.

Our Chess Club instructor is Mr. David Mehler, from the U.S. Chess Center. He organizes games and provides small group instruction. He has taught Chess since 1972, and has been teaching Chess Club to our students since 1990. He is one of the first nationally certified Professional Chess Coaches in the USA (the highest level)!

You may email Mr. Mehler at with any questions or concerns.

**Late Fees For In Person Sessions: Students must be picked up no later than 10 minutes following the end of class (5:15 PM) or a late fee of $20 will be charged with an additional $1 per minute thereafter. Late fees must be paid prior to attending the next week’s session.